ArchaeoGIS: digital terrain modeling and spatial analyses in Archaeology

The Center for Prehistoric Research has the pleasure of inviting all archaeology students in the first, second and third cycles, as well as all interested researchers of the past to a workshop dedicated to the geographic information systems (GIS) and their application in archaeology.
The workshop is entitled ‘ArchaeoGIS: digital topographic modeling and spatial analyses in archaeology’. It will take place on 28th April 2018 at the Faculty of Philosophy in Skopje.
The aim of this workshop is to introduce the key concepts of GIS through their practical application in several archaeological contexts. During the workshop participants will obtain a practical knowledge regarding digital topographic modeling, will get to work with vector and raster files, GIS mapping and recording, estimations of visibility from a single spot in space, preparing and publishing of analyses and models as web-GIS application etc.
Spatial analyses and modeling will be made in QGIS, a free software. All participants should bring their own laptop.
Please send your registrations at, stating your name, phone number, cycle of studies (first, second or third) and answer the following questions:
Have you used GIS previously?
Are you familiar with some programming language?
How do you find this work beneficial?
The number of participants is limited. Please apply not later than 25th April 2018.