Research of the site of Vrbjanska Chuka
Researching the site of Vlaho
Researching the site of Velushka Tumba
Researching Plocha-Micov Grad Site
NEENAWA: Network in East European Neolithic and Wetland Archaeology
GIS mapping and geo-physical scanning of prehistoric tells in Pelagonia
Military gear: tools for achieving, maintaining and demonstrating status and domination
Analysis of Neolithic Harvesting Techniques in Macedonia
Photogrammetric documentation of Neolithic house models
Paleodemographic and osteological analyses of the Neolithic population in Macedonia
Study of neolithization in Macedonia
Excavation of “Tumbi” archaeological complex in Mogila
Publication exchange with the German Archaeological Institute
Determining mathematical proportions in Neolithic
Analysis of the symbolical aspects of jewelry from Iron Age
Study of semiotic components of Neolithic houses and architecture
Research of corporeality and hybridity in Prehistory