Concert of Antonie at Vrbjanska Chuka
We have the pleasure of informing you that this week the archaeological excavations at Vrbjanska Chuka end.
This year as well we finalize the field research with an exclusive event inside an archaeological trench.
Antonie, one of the few Macedonian solo vibraphonists, will have a concert with a program specially prepared
for this occasion. The concert will be a unique opportunity to experience the synesthesia between the
archaeological site and Antonio’s music, which would unite the ancient prehistoric ambient and the sound
illustrations. Both Vrbjanska Chuka and Antonie’s music will acquire a different dimension and will mutually
complement each other, thus creating a novel audio-ambient whole.
The concert will be held on August, 28th, 2020 at 6.30 p.m. at Vrbjanska Chuka. The site sits about 1 km
south of the village of Slavej in Pelagonia. It can be reached by car or by bike taking the road that leads
from Prilep to Krushevo, then taking the left turn at Slavej to Borotino. Vrbjanska Chuka is around ten
minutes from that spot. The path will be additionally marked so visitors could easily find it.
The concert will be organized by the Center for Prehistoric Research, Prilep Jazz Festival and Institute and
Museum Prilep, and is also part of Prilep Jazz Festival’s off-program. All measures required for open-air
events will be taken and all protocols will be followed by keeping the necessary distance and wearing masks.
The entrance is free.
After the concert, Antonie has published this performance as an album which can be listened at the following