Fertility in Prehistory, lecture by Sofija Stefanovic
Archaeological Museum of Macedonia

The Center for Prehistoric Research cordially invites you to the lecture of prof. Sofija Stefanovic, (BioSense Institute), one of the most eminent anthropologists in Europe. The lecture entitled ‘Fertility in Prehistory: Birth, Mothers and Babies in the Neolithic Balkans’ will take place on 5th April 2017 at 01:00PM at the Archaeological Museum of Macedonia.
She will present the results of her team that researched in multiple archaeological domains in order to trace paleodemographic processes and anatomical differences of women and children members of the first agricultural communities in the Balkans.
Their research is focused on the relations between the way of life, nutrition and demographic oscillations, but also peri- and postpartum conditions during Neolithic. Thus, they investigate relations between breastfeeding and fertility, influences over the change of nutrition during pregnancy, but also those between nutrition evolution and mortality of babies.
The lecture is organized by the Center for Prehistoric Research and the Archaeological Museum of Macedonia, both of which participate in this vast research project that will also include skeletal remains found at Neolithic sites in Macedonia.