“The Neolithic in Macedonia” Conference 2019

Dear colleagues and prehistory aficionados, It is with great pleasure that we invite you to the “Neolithic in Macedonia” Conference that will take place on December, 20th and 21st at the Archaeological Museum of the Republic of North Macedonia. This year we celebrate its fifth jubilee and for the first time it will be held in two consecutive days due to the vast interest demonstrated by archaeologists. The conference will be in honor of Dragica Simoska, who has played an impressive role in Macedonian prehistoric archaeology, and unfortunately died several months ago. About thirty archaeologists from Macedonia, Serbia, Albania, Bulgaria and Spain will present 24 papers. They will reveal their latest acknowledgements regarding the Neolithic cultural heritage in Macedonia and the surrounding countries, and will also discuss the scientific issues related to multiple open questions on prehistoric archaeology.
Results of ongoing investigations of the Neolithic sites in the regions of Polog, Strumica, Ohrid, Veles, Skopje, Ovche Pole, Kriva Palanka, Struma, Thrace, Sofia, Kochani, Vinica, Mariovo and Pelagonia will be presented at the conference, including those yielded from cabinet, field and theoretical studies. New methods applied in the research of Neolithic settlements in Macedonia and the Balkans will be promoted, such as the spatial, geomagnetic, ethnoarchaeological, archaeobotanical, photogrammetric and zooarchaeological analyses, but also the modern approaches in the interpretation of metal, chronology, architecture, stelae, pottery and rituals.
The latest publication of the Center for Prehistoric Research will be launched at the conference, i.e. “The Neolithic in Macedonia: Homage to Voislav Sanev.” On December 21st, 2019 a lecture will be held by Milosh Spasic, PhD from the Museum of the City of Belgrade, one of the most eminent young Serbian prehistorians who will speak on “Late Neolithic Vincha Culture in the Central Balkans: Communities That Created Great Narratives.”
This conference is a result of the profound cooperation of the Center for Prehistoric Research and the Archaeological Museum of the Republic of North Macedonia and it was supported by the Ministry of Culture.