Neolithic in Macedonia III
Archaeological Museum of Macedonia

The Center for Prehistoric Research in cooperation with the Archaeological Museum of Macedonia
organise the third edition of the Neolithic in Macedonia conference. The event is scheduled for
13.12.2017 at the Archaeological Museum of Macedonia where approximately 20 papers will be
presented by more than 30 participants from Macedonia, Serbia, Greece, Slovenia, Czech Republic,
Austria, Germany and Switzerland. Macedonian and foreign archaeologists will elaborate the latest
knowledge on the Neolithic cultural heritage in the Republic of Macedonia and will discuss
scientific issues regarding numerous open questions within prehistoric archaeology.
The conference will summarize the latest research of Neolithic sites in Veles, Polog, Kumanovo and
Pelagonia, including the results of the cabinet, field and theoretical studies. The recent methods
implemented in the research of Neolithic settlements in Macedonia will be promoted as well, such
as the spatial, geomagnetic, zooarchaeological and archaeobotanic analysis, the photogrammetric
3D modeling of artifacts, but also the current approach in the interpretation of architecture, vessels,
tools and human representations in that period. A group of papers will particularly consider the site
of Anarghiri in Greece that has similar features as prehistoric settlements in Pelagonia and Ohrid.
The conference will also host the promotion of the latest publications by the Center for Prehistoric
Research i.e. the edited volume Neolithic in Macedonia: step forward in study of the first farming
societies and the monograph Grnčarica: contribution to the Early Neolithic puzzle in the Balkans by
Darko Stojanovski.
This conference is a result of a thorough collaboration between the Center for Prehistoric Research
and the Archaeological Museum of Macedonia and it is financially supported by the Ministry of
Culture of the Republic of Macedonia.