“Prehistory in the Balkans" Conference 2022
It is a great pleasure to announce our traditional conference dedicated to Balkan
prehistory. This eighth edition of the conference "Prehistory in the Balkans" is
organized within the international project "Common Cultural Heritage".
The conference is the final event of the project of the Center for Prehistory Research
from Skopje, the Institute of Archeology from Tirana and the Faculty of Philosophy from
Belgrade and which represents the first joint collaboration between Macedonian,
Albanian and Serbian archaeologists. Within the framework of the project, experts and
students worked together at the Neolithic sites of Vlaho in Macedonia, Pogradec in
Albania and Vinča in Serbia, where, in addition to perfecting the research methods, they
also followed the prehistoric networks between the communities that lived in these
areas thousands of years ago.
Such an approach in the project enables the creation of a new generation of experts
who will more thoroughly study the relationship between prehistoric societies and
particularly beyond the borders of nowadays states. In this way, it contributes to a
stronger networking of several generations of archaeologists who previously did not
cooperate with each other due to political barriers. As a result of this regional approach,
the "Prehistory in the Balkans" conference will be held from November 25-27 in Ohrid, in
which students and experts will present the knowledge gained during the project and
will also expose new perspectives on prehistory in Serbia, Albania and Macedonia.
As part of the project, a brochure and promotional material was prepared summarizing
the results of mutual cooperation between Macedonian, Albanian and Serbian
archaeologists, which will be available on the website of the Center for Prehistory
Research after the conference. The project "Common Cultural Heritage: interregional
research and prehistoric dialogues" is funded by the Western Balkans Fund and the
European Union as part of the Joint Regional Grant Scheme within the IPA (Instrument
for Pre-Accession) program.
Book of abstracts