“Prehistory in the Balkans" Conference 2023

We are glad to announce that the 9th Conference of the Center for Prehistory Research will be held on December 13th. This conference entitled "Prehistory of the Balkans" has traditionally been held at the end of the year for almost a decade and gathers eminent experts from the field of archeology and cultural heritage in one place, who present and discuss the latest knowledge obtained within the framework of current research.

This year, approximately forty archaeologists from Great Britain, Germany, Spain, France, Austria, United States of America, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Greece, Bulgaria, Albania and Macedonia are participating in the conference. At this online event, through fifteen abstracts, they will present their research in the framework of prehistoric archeology and will elaborate the results related to the archaeological sites the Balkans, as well as the environment in which they are established. In addition to the presentation of the results of the field excavations, the participants of this year's conference will also discuss the theoretical concepts of chronology and societies in the Neolithic, the natural environment and the ditches that surrounded the settlements in this period, the pottery and the tools they made, livestock and agriculture, the Bronze Age pile-dwellings, as well as burials in the Iron Age.

Within the framework of the conference, the latest edited book of the Center for Prehistory Research will be promoted, whose publication is supported by the Ministry of Culture. It summarizes the papers presented on the previous "Prehistory of the Balkans" conference, which was held in Ohrid.

In that direction, this conference is a rare scientific event in which the prehistoric cultural heritage of the Balkans is presented every year and the forms and methods of its study are discussed. This event greatly contributes to strengthening communication between Balkan and European archaeologists and opens new perspectives for international collaborations. In this way, the prehistoric cultural heritage becomes more accessible to all experts in the region and opportunities are obtained for its more responsible research, as well as for a more thorough interpretation.

Book of abstracts