The Second Phase of BIRTH Project
Archaeological Museum of Macedonia, Museum of the City of Skopje, Institute and Museum Bitola, Institute and Museum Shtip, Institute and Museum Prilep and Goce Delchev University, Shtip

Guided by BioSense Institute, the second phase of the BIRTH project was being executed during these last two weeks. BioSense and the CPR had a very productive and constructive collaboration with the Archaeological Museum of Macedonia, the Museum of the City of Skopje and the Institutes and Museums in Bitola, Shtip and Prilep, as well as with the Goce Delchev University. The collaboration encountered documentation and photogrammetry of anthropological and zoological material in these museums, while samples of isotopes, carbon and nitrogen from the human and animal bones were prepared for further analyses. These analyses will provide follow-up of age, nutrition, breastfeeding, pregnancy and diseases of people and animals during Neolithic, but also chronological and paleodemographical definition of these populations and their environment.
Once again, the initiative of CPR for networking of multiple Macedonian institutions was successful and will provide a completely new approach towards study of prehistoric archaeology in Macedonia and its international affirmation via scientific papers and presentations. We are very grateful to all the custodians in the aforementioned museums and to our colleagues from BioSense, as this very significant research wouldn’t have been possible, hadn’t it been for their assistance and professionalism.