Archaeological excavations at Vrbjanska Chuka ended
Last week, we finished the month-long research of Vrbjanska Chuka with excellent results. The international cooperation of CPR, the Institute for Old Slavic Culture, Institute and Museum in Prilep, the University of South Bohemia and BioSense Institute proved productive and yielded a completely new perspective on this site. Besides stratigraphy redefinition, we registered even five Neolithic objects, resulting in a total number of seven objects (along with the two found during excavations in the 1980s) on a surface of only 30x15 meters. Around ten economical structures (barns, troughs and ovens) have been documented in them, confirming that this site was intensely focused on crops preservation and processing.
Numerous fine-facture vessels and the black-painted ornaments witness of the specific character of this settlement, as well as figurines, anthropomorphic house models and altars. Archaeobotanists and zooarchaeologists have registered multiple types of domesticated and wild animals and plants; also considering the stone and bone tools, we now have a much more thorough insight in the everyday life of farmers that inhabited this Neolithic village. Specimens of seeds and teeth soon to be analyzed in European laboratories will reveal the exact timeline of the existence of this settlement.
We are currently preparing the report. It will be published by the end of the year and available for all those wishing to obtain detailed information regarding the latest research of Vrbjanska Chuka. Until then, drone footage and photographs that we will gradually upload can be used for a brief introduction of what we have discovered last summer.