Archaeological investigations of Vrbjanska Čuka in Pelagonia
We are approaching the finish of this year’s investigations of Vrbjanska Čuka in Pelagonia. We are completing the research of one of the greatest Neolithic buildings in Macedonia (around 120m2) in which we found new economic structures for preserving and processing crops, as well as tangible material confirming the Early Neolithic dating of the settlement.
The research involves experts and students from the following countries and institutions: Germany (Free University of Berlin), Slovenia (University of Primorska), Czech Republic (University of South Bohemia) and Macedonia (CPR, Institute and Museum of Prilep, Institute for Old Slavic Culture, Universities of Goce Delčev and St Cyril and Methodius). Except for excavations, we also made geodetic recordings with a total station, analysis of building techniques, archaeobotanical analyses, drone filming and GIS workshop. With our Polish colleagues we scanned two mounds near Vrbjanska and got fascinating results regarding the organization of these prehistoric settlements.
The research continues with the lab analyses in Spain, Switzerland, Czech Republic, England, Serbia and Macedonia. The results will be published and presented in various journals and conferences.