Aneta Fidanoska holds a BA in Archaeology and MA in Archeometry (zooarchaeology). She works at the Archaeological museum of Macedonia. She has participated in archaeological excavations, as well as in numerous domestic and international projects from the field of zooarchaeology, with special interest in Balkan Prehistoric cultures and first domestication of animals.
Curriculum Vitae
Aneta Fidanoska
Born 11. 07. 1979, in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia
e-mail: anche_mk@yahoo.com
Since february 2014 empolyed in Archaeological museum of Macedonia.
• MA in Archaeometry (Archaeozoology) at Sofia University, “St. Kliment Ohridski”
R. Bulgaria (2006-2008)
MA thesis: Analysis of the zoo-osteological material from Slatina, Sofia
Mentor: prof. Nikolai Spassov
• Graduated student in History of art and archaeology, at the
University “Ss.Cyril and Methodius”, Faculty of Philosophy-Skopje (1999-2005)
BA thesis: Medieval necropolae from Middle Povardarie
Mentor: prof. Elica Maneva
• Veterinary tehnician
High School “Brakja Miladinovci”- Skopje (1993-1997)
Working Experience:
• Volunteer work in the Archaeological Museum of Macedonia concerning administrative operations, museum activities, librarian work and other activities (december 2012- february 2014).
• Analysis of the faunal remains of the Neolithic site Tumba – Madzhari, project of the Archaeological Museum of Macedonia (2012).
• Analysis of the faunal remains of the Prehistoric palafite sites Penelopa, Bay of Bones, Bay of Bobs and Bay of the Goat (Ohrid Lake), project of Museum in Ohrid (may 2010 – september 2012).
• Analysis of the faunal remains of the Neolithic site Golem Grad – Prespa (2011-2012).
• Analysis of the faunal remains of the Neolithic site Izvor, project of the Archaeological Museum in Veles (2011-2012).
• Analysis of the faunal remains of the Neolithic site Zuniver, project of the Archaeological Museum in Veles (2010-2011).
• Analysis of the faunal remains of the Neolithic site Kartalica, project of the Archaeological Museum in Veles (2009-2010).
• Making of UNESCO Application form for the Archaeo-astronomical site Kokino as member of the Expert team for Kokino (January 2010).
• Making of Evaluation of the Archaeo-astronomical site Kokino as member of the Expert team for Kokino (December 2009, January 2010).
• Analysis of the faunal remains of the Neolithic site Hadzhidimitrovo (R. Bulgaria), project of the Archaeological Institute and Museum – Sofia, under direction of Phd Viktoria Petrova (June-July 2009)
• Excavations of Skopje Fortress, project of of the Skopje City Museum, as field excavator and researcher of the archaeozoological material (March-May 2009)
• Excavations of the Bronze age site Tatikev Kamen, Kokino (May-June 2009)
• Analysis of the faunal remains of the Medieval site Jeni Dzhamija (January-March 2007)
• Excavations of the Eneolithic-Bronze age site Kostoperska Karpa, project of Kumanovo City Museum, as researcher of the archaeozoological material (July-October 2005)
• Excavations of the Roman site Klecovce, project of Kumanovo City Museum, as researcher of the archaeozoological material (September-October 2004)
• Excavations of the Neolithic site Cerje-Govrlevo, project of Skopje City Museum in partnership with prof. d-r. Mitja Guštin (University in Koper):
as field archaeologist-student (May-June 2004); co-researcher of the archaezoological material, in cooperation with d-r Zdravka Hincak; researcher of the archaeozoological material from the excavation campaigns 1982-85, 2000-02, (October 2003-April 2004), analysis of the archaeozoological material from the excavation campaigns 2004, 2008 is in process
• Fidanoska A. 2015. Analysis of the fauna from Golem Grad – Prespa. In Bitrakova – Grozdanova V. (ed.) Golem Grad – Prespa, Vol. 2. Skopje.
• Fidanoska A. 2014. Meeting the Past, Archaeology for kids (in macedonian). Archaeological Museum of Macedonia. Skopje.
• Ivkovska, A. 2009. Animal Husbandry and Hunting. In Naumov, G., Fidanoski, Lj., Tolevski, I. and Ivkovska A. Neolithic Communities in The Republic of Macedonia. Dante: 53-64.
• Petrova V., Marinova E., Fidanoska A., Dedov I., Hadzipetkov I., Nachev Ch., Tzankova N. 2014. Environnement naturel et utilization des matèires premières à la fin du VIe millènaire av. J.C. à la lumière des ètudes du site archèologique Hadzidimitrovo, Yambol, Bulgarie. In Preoteasa C., Dorin Nicola C. (eds.) L’impact anthropique sur l’environnement durant le nèo-ènèolithique du sud-est de l’Europe, In Honorem Dr. Gheorghe Dumitroaia. Piatra – Neamț: Musèe d’Historie et d’Archèologie de Piatra-Neamț, Centre International de Recherche de la Culture Cucuteni: 97-102.
• Fidanoska A. in print. Mammalian Remains. In Petrova V. (ed.) Late Neolithic Site of Hadzhidimitrovo.
• Fidanoska A. in print Archaeozoological analysis of animal remains from the Neolithic site Zuniver. Macedonia acta archaeologica 22.
• Ivkovska A. in print. Archaeozoological analysis of animal remains from the Neolithic site Kartalica. Macedonia acta archaeologica 21.
Member of the Macedonian Scientific Association of Archaeologists – MASA
Participation in symposia, congresses, etc.
Participant on the 22nd symposium of MASA in Dojran (R. Macedonia) on the topic: Archaeozoological analysis of animal remains from the Neolithic site Zuniver.
Participant on the 21st symposium of MASA in Strumica (R. Macedonia) on the topic: Archaeozoological analysis of animal remains from the Neolithic site Kartalica.
Foreign Language Abilities:
Computer Skills:
Microsoft Word, Excel, Adobe Photoshop