GIS mapping and geophysical scanning of prehistoric tells in Pelagonia
Even though applied for quite a while elsewhere, GIS mapping and geophysical scanning of prehistoric sites are at their very beginning in Macedonia. Some CPR members have been performing such research in the past years, mostly focused on Pelagonia. Neolithic tells at Dobromiri, Trn, Mogila, Vrbjani, Borotino and Slavej were geo-magnetically scanned and MR was applied in cooperation with the Polish academy of sciences which yielded remarkable results regarding the settlements features and the manner of organization of the objects within these characteristic sites. This year, the geo-magnetic research will continue in cooperation with the University of South Bohemia, with focus on tells near Porodin, Egri and Gurgur. CPR members are also focused on GIS mapping of numerous tells in the wider central area of Pelagonia. As a result, 93 prehistoric sites were recently documented and measured. These researches are ongoing and will continue in different parts of Pelagonia.