Research of corporeality and hybridity in Prehistory
Thanks to the large number of artifacts with anthropomorphic presentations, it is possible to define the shapes in which the Neolithic corporeality manifests itself. There are the miniature figurines, on one hand, which reflect tendencies for a relatively real ‘portrait’ of the human body, and various vessels and models, on the other hand, where principles of anthropomorphism are applied, as well as those of hybridity. The defined features of these objects are of great help, which lead to establishment of several rules and shapes that nominally determine the Neolithic corporeality. Thus, the presence of heads with stylized facial features, the defined presentations of male and female bodies, the determined positions of limbs, fragmentarity of figurines, the regional unification of anthropomorphic models as well as the way deceased were placed in tombs speak of the well thought body treatment in the Neolithic. In that context, the research of corporeality and hybridity in the Neolithic is focused on the material culture (figurines, models and vessels) with human body features, followed by interpretations of social and symbolic components of anthropomorphism, embodiment, identity, mediation, fragmentation, rite etc.