NEENAWA: Network in East European Neolithic and Wetland Archaeology
NEENAWA project is a scientific cooperation among CPR and three other institutions (University of Bern, the Museum of Hermitage and the University Taras Shevchenko in Kiev) which is ongoing from 2015 till 2018. The project is focused on enhancement of scientific infrastructure and training of students and professionals dealing with Prehistoric archaeology, especially the Neolithic and the settlements near lakes, rivers and swamps. The project comprehends training of Macedonian archaeologists in Switzerland and Russia for new methods in underwater archaeology and contemporary approaches in excavation of wetland settlements. Moreover, equipment suitable for such research will be provided, as well as literature that will enable study of contemporary archaeological methods and data about the palafitte and wetland settlements. During the project, CPR will organize an international scientific conference regarding wetland archaeology and dendrochronology in which scientists from Switzerland, France, Russia, Ukraine, Greece, Lithuania and other countries will participate. At the end of this vast project a journal of texts will be published that will summarize the research and the results of the Prehistoric settlements erected in wetlands.