Excavation of “Tumbi” archaeological complex in Mogila
Six tells have been documented under the village of Mogila in Pelagonia. However, some of them might belong to a single larger tell which was dismembered with the numerous streets that cross the center of this place. Two of the sites were excavated in the 1970’s and 1980’s and resulted in basic information regarding chronology and the archaeological characters of these tells. After almost four decades, “Shkolska Tumba” site was re-examined by members of CPR and a team from the University of Primorska in Slovenia. During the excavation, mainly the same features of this settlement were noted as documented in the excavations of 1977, but also, completely new information were obtained that complete the picture of the creation of Neolithic tells in Pelagonia and their use in the Middle Age. Besides the typical modes of pottery production, tools, figurines, anthropomorphic houses and the animal types, the 2014 excavation revealed new type of architectural construction and geological processes that confirm the dynamics of the peripheric part of the tell, where the archaeological trench was opened. The research of these tells continues, the synchronization and redefinition of the archaeological material discovered in all excavations from 1975 until 2014 being the main focus.