Гоце Наумов е доктор на науки и работи во Музеј на Македонија. Учествувал на бројни археолошки ископувања на локалитети на Балканот, Источна Европа, Мала Азија и Северна Америка, а раководи неколку проекти концентрирани на населбите и материјалната култура во Пелагонија. Во текот на своите истражувања соработувал со повеќе научни институции од САД, Италија, Швајцарија, Шпанија, Русија, Чешка, Полска, Словенија и Македонија, а има одржано предавања и излагања во Њу Јорк, Париз, Кембриџ, Даблин, Осло, Хелсинки, Берн, Цирих, Падова, Валета, Прага, Будимпешта, Истанбул, Љубљана, Белград, Софија, Солун и други. Автор е на повеќе од шеесетина научни труда и четири монографии публикувани во Европа, Австралија и Америка. За своите научни трудови добитник е на награди од Светскиот археолошки конгрес и Европската асоцијација на археолозите.
Curriculum Vitae
Goce Naumov
Personal Information:
Assistant Professor - Goce Delčev University - Štip
President - Center for Prehistoric Research
Contact: https://cip-cpr.org/contact.html
- Doctor of Philosophy, Prehistoric Archaeology, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University:
‘Neolithic Anthropomorphism and Hybridism: The Corporeality in Balkans’, 2015
- Master of Arts, Prehistoric Archaeology, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University:
‘Patterns and Corporeality: Neolithic Visual Culture in the Republic of Macedonia’, 2009
- Bachelor of Arts, Prehistoric Archaeology, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, 2004
- Assistant Professor (2017-), Goce Delčev University - Štip
- Educator and Researcher (2015 - ), Museum of Macedonia
- Adjunct Researcher and Lecturer (2012 - 2014), ‘Euro Balkan’ University, for the courses ‘Introduction to Archaeology: History and Methods’ and ‘Archaeological Artifacts and Anthropology’.
- Adjunct Lecturer (2009 - 2012), University of Skopje, Institute for History of Art and Archaeology, for the courses: “Archaeology” and “History of the Culture in Macedonia”.
- Teaching Fellow (2006 - 2008), University of Skopje, for the courses: “Archaeology”; “History of the Culture in Macedonia” and “Museology”.
- Founder and member of the CRP (Center for Prehistoric Archaeology)
- Member of the MASA (Macedonian Archaeological Scientific Association)
- Member of The Prehistoric Society
- Member of EAA (European Association of Archeologists)
- Member of WAC (World Archaeological Congress)
- Member of the scientific board for the valorization and preparation of the Archeo-astronomic site Kokino application for UNESCO World Heritage List.
- Member of the MASA Court of Honor.
- Late Roman castel “Davina Kula”, Chucher, Republic of Macedonia, 1998, 1999.
- Early Christian basilica in “Plaošnik”, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia, 1999.
- Prehistoric and Roman settlements at the site “Nova Tabla”, Murska Sobota, Slovenia, 2000, 2004.
- Neolithic settlement “Cerje”, Govrlevo, Republic of Macedonia, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010.
- Neolithic settlement “Tumba Madjari”, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia, 2002, 2003, 2004 and 2005.
- Bronze Age site Kokino, Republic of Macedonia, 2009, 2010.
- Neolithic settlement Vinča, Serbia, 2009, 2011.
- Prehistoric site on STAMP project, Tonawanda, NY, United States of America, 2012.
- Prehistoric settlement Çatalhöyük, Turkey, 2012, 2013.
- Pelagonia region (reconnaissance and geophysical scanning), Republic of Macedonia, part of “Cultural Encounters in Landscape Research – Pelagonia“ collaboration project between ‘Euro-Balkan’ University and Polish Academy of Science, 2013.
- Neolithic tells at Pelagonia, collaboration project and excavation of Mogila tell, ‘Euro-Balkan’ University and University of Primorska, 2014.
- Archaeobotanical and paleoecological research in the Neolithic Pelagonia, collaboration project between ‘Euro-Balkan’ University, Charles University and University of South Bohemia, 2015.
- GIS modeling of Neolithic tells in Pelagonia and calibration of C14 dates, 2015
- Neolithic pile dwelling Serteya, Russia, 2015
- Geomagnetic scanning of Vrbjanska Čuka, Neolithic tell in Pelagonia, 2016
- Geomagnetic scanning of Neolithic tells in central part of Pelagonia, 2017
- Research of Vrbjanska Čuka, Neolithic tell in Pelagonia, 2016, 2017
- Collaboration with the Museum of Macedonia and CNRS (Center for National Scientific Researches – France) on the documentation of archaeological finds from Neolithic site “Tumba” – Madjari, 2003.
- Collaboration with the City Museum of Skopje on the documentation of archaeological finds from the Neolithic settlement “Cerje” – Govrlevo, 2004 - 2006.
- Collaboration with the Museum of Štip, Museum of Bitola and Museum of Macedonia on the documentation of archaeological material from the Neolithic settlements, 2007, 2017.
- Collaboration with the City Museum of Skopje on the documentation of painted pottery material from the Neolithic settlement at Govrlevo and Zelenikovo, 2007.
- Collaboration with the Museum of African Art in Belgrade, Serbia for research on West African sculptures and vessels, 2009.
- Collaboration with the Mueum of Prilep on the documentation of anthropomorphic figurines and house models from the Neolithic settlements, 2010, 2011, 2016, 2017.
- Collaboration with the City Museum of Skopje on the documentation on of anthropomorphic objects from the Neolithic settlements at Govrlevo and Zelenikovo, 2010.
- Collaboration with the Museum of Bitola on documentation of findings from surveyed Neolithic settlements in Pelagonia region, 2013.
- Collaboration with Museum of Bitola on documentation of findings from surveyed Neolithic settlements in Pelagonian region, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017.
-“The structures of archaic culture in Slovenia and Macedonia”, with Prof. Nikos Chausidis and Prof. Andrej Pleterski, 2006.
-“Neolithic Decoration in the Republic of Macedonia”, funded by The Prehistoric Society, England, 2007.
-(with Orhidea Zorova and Goce Pavlovski) “The context of the regenerative and magical aspects within the feminine burials from Prehistory till Middle Ages in the Republic of Macedonia”, funded by The Ministry of Culture, Republic of Macedonia, 2008.
- (with Ljubo Fidanovski, Igor Tolevski and Aneta Ivkovska) “Neolithic Communities from Republic of Macedonia”, funded by The Ministry of Culture, Republic of Macedonia, 2009.
- (with Prof. Nikos Chausidis) “Neolithic anthropomorphic objects in the Republic of Macedonia”, funded by The Ministry of Culture, Republic of Macedonia, 2010.
- “The Process of Neolithization and its Transition from Anatolia to Balkan Peninsula”, funded by Coimbra Universities Group, Italy, 2011.
- “Neolithic Anthropomorphism: the corporeality in the Republic of Macedonia from 7th till 5th Millennia”, Junior Faculty Development Program, United States of America, 2012.
- “Anthropomorphic and Zoomorphic Figurines in Çatalhöyük West Mound“ (with Prof. Peter F.
Biehl). Joint Research Project of University of Skopje and State University of New York
at Buffalo, funded by US Department of State, JFDP post-program activities grant, 2012.
- “Anthropomorphic and Zoomorphic Figurines in Çatalhöyük West Mound“ (with Prof. Peter F.
Biehl). Joint Research Project of University of Skopje and State University of New York
at Buffalo, funded by SUNY – Buffalo, 2013.
- “Anthropomorphic and Zoomorphic Figurines in Çatalhöyük West Mound“ (with Prof. Peter F.
Biehl). Joint Research Project of University of Skopje and State University of New York
at Buffalo, funded by SUNY – Buffalo, 2014.
- ‘The Neolithization of Macedonia and its Relationship with Anatolia’, funded by the Prehistoric Society, 2013.
- ‘Research on Neolithic Tells in Pelagonia’, collaboration project between ‘Euro-Balkan’ University and University of Primorska, 2014.
- BIRTH project on paleodemogaphy, diet and environment in the Neolithic Macedonia, with Institute Biosense, 2017-2020.
Organised sessions, conferences and exhibitions:
-‘Early Seals in Europe’ session organized with Robin Skeates (University of Durham) and Agni Prijatelj (University of Ljubljana), for the 14th Annual Meeting of EAA, Malta, 2008.
-‘Embodied Materiality: Corporeal Hybridism and Body Substitutions’, session organized with Sarah Ralph (SUNY - Buffalo), for the 15th Annual Meeting of EAA, Riva Del Garda, 2009.
-‘Embodied Materiality: Corporeal Hybridism and Body Substitutions’, (with Sarah Ralph (Harvard University), session in preparation for Theoretical Archaeology Group conference at SUNY-Buffalo, 2012.
- ‘The Embodiment of Space: Archaeological Research of the Landscape and Settlement Contexts’, international conference at The Euro Balkan University, Skopje, 2013.
- ‘One Step Beyond: Multidisciplinary Research in Archaeology’, international conference at The Archaeological Museum of Macedonia, Skopje, 2015.
- ‘Cult of the Cult: Reconsideration of Terminology in the Humanities’, scientific meeting at the Museum of Macedonia, Skopje, 2015.
- ‘Red Cock – Black Chicken: Cults, Rites and Believes’, ethno-archaeological exhibition at the Museum of Macedonia (co-curator), Skopje, 2015.
- ‘Neolithic in Macedonia I: recent knowledge and new perspectives’, archaeological conference at The Archaeological Museum of Macedonia, Skopje, 2015.
- '‘Prehistoric Wetlands and Lakes: bringing forward dendrochronology in archaeology’, International conference and workshop in The Archaeological Museum of Macedonia, Museum of Bitola, Museum of Ohrid, Museum of Skopje, 2016.
- Ex Europa Lux', museum exhibition for the European Heritage Days, Museum of Macedonia, Skopje 2016.
- ‘Neolithic in Macedonia II: current research and results’, archaeological conference at The Archaeological Museum of Macedonia, Skopje, 2016.
- ‘Neolithic in Macedonia III: step forward in study of first farming societies’, archaeological conference at The Archaeological Museum of Macedonia, Skopje, 2017.
Grants and Awards:
- SNF grant within SCOPES program for the project ‘Network in Eastern European Neolithic and Wetland Archaeology for the Improvement of Field Techniques and Dating Methods’.
- Grant from the Ministry of Culture in Macedonia for the international project 'Research on Vrbjanska Čuka site'
- Research grant from the Municipality of Krivogaštani for excavation of Vrbjanska Čuka site in Pelagonia
- Grant from the Ministry of Culture in Macedonia for the international conference 'Neolithic in Macedonia'
- Grant from the University of Bern for the preparation of international ERC/SINERGIA project "Exploring European Neolithisation through archaeological, dendrochronological and palaeoecological research in Southern Balkans wetlands"
- Research grant from the Municipality of Krivogaštani for excavation of Vrbjanska Čuka site in Pelagonia
- Grant from the Ministry of Culture in Macedonia for the international conference 'Neolithic in Macedonia'
- Research grant from the Municipality of Krivogaštani for geomagnetic scanning of Vrbjanska Čuka site in Pelagonia
- SNF grant within SCOPES program for the project ‘Network in Eastern European Neolithic and Wetland Archaeology for the Improvement of Field Techniques and Dating Methods’.
- Publication grant from the Ministry of Culture for the monograph on the Neolithic figurines.
- James Dyer Prize of the Prehistoric Society
- SNF grant within SCOPES program for the project ‘Network in Eastern European Neolithic and Wetland Archaeology for the Improvement of Field Techniques and Dating Methods’.
- Research grant from the Ministry of Culture for the project ‘Excavation of Neolithic Tell at Mogila’.
- SCOPES grant from the Swiss National Science Foundation for the project presentation of ‘Prehistoric Wetland Sites in the Republic of Macedonia’.
- Preparatory Grant of SNF for the SCOPES project ‘Network in Eastern European Neolithic and Wetland Archaeology for the Improvement of Field Techniques and Dating Methods’.
- Research grant from the Ministry of Culture for the project ‘Reconnaissance of Neolithic settlements in Gevgelija and Pelagonia region’.
- Research grant from The Prehistoric Society for the project ‘The Neolithization of Macedonia and its Relationship with Anatolia’.
- Research grant from SUNY-Buffalo for excavation in Çatalhöyük and documentation of figurines.
- University of West Bohemia Grant for the participation within 19th EAA Annual Meeting.
- Award for best paper on World Archaeology Congress Student Writing Competition 2011-12
- Junior Faculty Development Program of U.S. Department of State for 2012 spring semester at State University of New York – Buffalo, USA.
- Project Development Fund, American Councils, U.S. Department of State.
- US Department of State, JFDP post-program activities grant.
- Research grant from SUNY-Buffalo for excavation in Çatalhöyük and documentation of figurines.
- Wenner Gren Grant from The Wenner – Gren Foundation, United States of America, to attend 18th EAA Annual Meeting.
- Wenner Gren Grant from The Wenner – Gren Foundation, United States of America, to attend 17th EAA Annual Meeting.
- Coimbra Universities Group Grant for research and lecturing at University of Padova, Italy.
- Research grant from the Ministry of Culture for the project ‘Neolithic anthropomorphic objects in the Republic of Macedonia’, with Prof. Nikos Chausidis.
- Pubication Grant from the Ministry of Culture, Macedonia, for joint project with Ljubo Fidanoski, Igor Toleski and Aneta Ivkovska.
- CEEPUS grant for student research in Belgrade, CEEPUS, Europe.
- Grant from National Museum of Hungary for attending the conference on „Data Management and Mathematical Methods in Archaeology “ in Budapest, Hungary.
- Grant from Humboldt-Kolleg Foundation for attending the "Interdisziplinaere Forschungen der Kulturerbe auf dem Balkan" conference in Sofia, Bulgaria
- Wenner Gren Grant from The Wenner – Gren Foundation, United States of America, to attend 15th EAA Annual Meeting.
- Research Grant from the Ministry of Culture, Macedonia, for joint project with Orhidea Zorova and Goce Pavlovski
- Travel Grant from The Prehistoric Society, England
- Travel grant from the WAC (World Archaeological Congress)
- Translation grant for the monograph “Patterns and Corporeality: Neolithic Visual Culture from Republic of Macedonia”, by the Dean office of Faculty of Philosophy, University of Skopje, Republic of Macedonia.
- Wenner Gren Grant from The Wenner – Gren Foundation, United States of America, to attend 14th EAA Annual Meeting.
- Research Grant from The Prehistoric Society, England
- Scholarship from the Neuwaldegg Institute, Austria
- Wenner Gren Grant from The Wenner – Gren Foundation, Unated States of America, to attend 13th EAA Annual Meeting.
- Student Award for the best presented paper at the 13th annual conference of European Association of Archeologists in Zadar, Croatia
- Travel Grant from The Ministry of Culture, Republic of Macedonia
- Bursary from the University of Manchester, England.
Invited lectures at institutions and presentations on conferences, symposia and seminars:
- First Farming Societies in Macedonia and the Process of Neolithization, guest lecture at the Taras Shevchenko University, Kiev, April
- The Neolithic Balkans, guest lecture at the University of Bern, May
- Wetlands and Lakesidest in the Neolithic Balkans, guest lecture at Stadt Zurich, May
- Formation of Weltand Identities, presentation on the international conference Wetland Archaeology and Prehistoric Networks in Europe, Kanev, September
- Profane Sanctuaries and Sacred Houses: on the interpretation and terminology in prehistoric archaeology, presentation on international conference on Kokino within UNESCO, Kumanovo, September
- Cultures vs Societies in the Prehistoric Balkans, paper presented on the international conference The Balkans Between East and West, Negotino, October
- Dividing the Identity and Identifying the Diversity in Prehistory, paper presented on the UNESCO conference Balkan cultural heritage as a platform of cultural sustainable development, Skopje, October
- Four guest lectures at the University of Primorska on the Neolithic in Macedonia, Koper, November
- Geomagnetic Scanning of Neolithic tell-sites in Central Pelagonia, paper presented on the international conference Neolithic in Macedonia, Skopje, December
- ‘First Farming Societies in Macedonia and Process of Neolithization’, guest lecture at the University of Bern, April
- 'Hybrid Societies: vaguenues of Neolithic 'cultures' in the Balkans', paper presented at 22nd Annual Meeting of EAA, Vilnius, September.
- 'Wet, Wet, Wet: Neolithic wetland and lakeside settlements in the Balkans', paper presented at 22nd Annual Meeting of EAA, Vilnius, September.
- ‘First Farming Societies in Macedonia and Process of Neolithization’, guest lecture at the Hermitage Museum, St, Petersburg, October
- Is an Artifact a Fact for Art, paper presented on the international conference at the ST. Petersburg University, October
- 'Sistematizacija na neolitskata hronologija vo Makedonija', paper presented at international conference 'Neolithic in Macedonia', Skopje, November.
- ‘From Anatolia to Pelagonia and from XTF to Geophysics’, paper presented at ‘One Step Beyond: Multidisciplinary research in Archaeology’ conference, Skopje, January.
- ‘The prehistoric settlements in the (dis)appearing lake in Pelagonia’, paper presented at ‘Balkan and Central European Lakeside Settlements: Sharing Old and New Data’ conference, Amindeon, February.
-‘Of Miniatures and Hybrids: The Neolithic Figurines and Anthropomorphic Models in the Balkans’, paper presented at ‘Settlements, Culture and Population Dynamics in Balkan Prehistory’ conference, Skopje, March.
-‘Koj se plaši od volkot loš? Stravot od antropologijata i teorijata vo makedonskata arheologija’, paper presented at round table ‘Folklorni narativni teorii i sovremeni praksi’, Skopje, March.
- ‘Mogila-raziskave neolitske in srednjeveške naselbine’ (with Alenka Tomaz), presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Slovenian Archaeological Association, April.
- ‘The Communicaion between Neolithic wetland sites in Pelagonia and lakeside settlements in Ohrid region’, lecture for the Serteya (Russia) fieldwork season, August
- ‘Neolithization of Pelagonia: chronology and identity of tell societies in the Republic of Macedonia’ paper to be presented at the 22nd Neolithic Seminar, Ljubljana, November.
-‘Mapiranje i hronološko kalibriranje na neolitskite tumbi vo Pelagonija’, paper presented at the archaeological conference ‘Neolithic in Macedonia: recent knowledge and new perspectives’, archaeological conference at The Archaeological Museum of Macedonia, Skopje, December 2015.
- ‘Pop-Archaeology as Mass-Culture’, paper presented at ‘Transculturality and Memory’ conference, Skopje, April.
- (with Bugaj Ula) ‘New Results on the Neolithic Tells in Pelagonia – Geoarchaeological Survey 2013’, paper presented at ‘SOMA – Symposium on Mediterranean Archaeology’, Wroclaw, April.
- (with Todorovska Valentina) Safe and Sound: Prehistoric Wetland Sites in the Republic of Macedonia. Paper to be presented at conference on Culture, Climate and Environment Interactions at Prehistoric Wetland Sites, Bern. June.
- ‘The Neolithization and Tell Societies in Pelagonia’, paper presented at conference on Northern Greece and Southeastern Europe During the Neolithic Period – An Interaction Zone, Thessaloniki, June.
- (with Rogasch Jana et al.) ‘Into the Unknown: Venturing Into the Early Cahlcolithic at Çatalhöyük’. Paper presented at conference ‘Social and Economic Changes in the Second Half of the 7th Millennium in the Near East’, Çatalhöyük, Turkey.
- (with Biehl Peter) ‘Faceless Gender: the Corporeality in the Çatalhöyük West Mound’, paper presented at 20th Annual Meeting of EAA, Istanbul, September.
- (with Brady Jacob et al.) ‘Reassembling the Çatalhöyük East and West Mound Material Culture: How the People of West Mound Interacted with Already Ancient East Mound’, paper presented at 20th Annual Meeting of EAA, Istanbul, September.
- ‘Ritual Relationship Between Neolithic Tells and Medieval Burials in Pelagonia’. Paper presented at the international conference ‘Days of Justinian I, Skopje, September.
- ‘Geofizičko skeniranje na neolitskite tumbi vo Pelagonija’, paper to be presented on XXII Simposia of Macedonian Archaeological Science Society, December, Vinica.
- 'Iskopuvanje na neolitskata tumba vo Mogila', paper to be presented on XXII Symposia of Macedonian Archaeological Science Society, December, Vinica.
- ‘Novi pristapi vo arheološkite istražuvanja’, guest lecture to be given on the Week of Archaeology in the Archaeological Museum of Macedonia, December, Skopje.
- ‘Neolitska Pelagonija: zaednicite i materijalnata kultura megju tumbite i telesnosta’, guest lecture to be given on the Week of Archaeology in the Archaeological Museum of Macedonia, December, Skopje.
- ‘The Neolithization and its symbolic implications in Macedonia’, guest lecture at Universite Paris 1, Pantheon – Sorbone, Paris, May.
- ‘Tumba, tumba divina: socio-simbolickite aspekti na prvite neolitski naselbi vo Pelagonija’, paper presented at the international conference ‘The Embodiment of Space: Archaeological Research of the Landscape and Settlement Contexts’, Skopje, June.
- ‘The corporeality of vessels: Neolithic anthropomorphic pottery in the Republic of Macedonia’, paper presented on 19th EAA Meeting, Pilsen, September.
- ‘Geoskeniranje i 3D modeliranje na neolitskite tumbi vo Pelagonija’, presentation of research results at the ‘Euro Balkan’ University, Skopje, September.
- ‘Izednačuvanjeto na sadot i coveckoto telo vo srednovekovnata ikonografija’, paper presented at the international conference ‘Days of Justinian I, Skopje, October.
- ‘Što prestavuvaat arheološkite i kulturno istoriskite spomenici i zošto se tie značajni’, guest lecture at ‘Gjorgji Dimitrov’ high school, Skopje, November.
- ‘Kako da go prepoznaeme arheološkoto i kulturno-istoriskoto nasledstvo vo našata neposredna okolina’, guest lecture ‘International High School’, Skopje, November.
- ‘Antropološki um i arheološki tela: anti-kartezijansko proučuvanje na neolitskite antropomorfni artefakti’, guest lecture at the Institute for Ethnology and Anthropology, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University, Skopje, November.
- ‘Being a Domesticated Human’, presentation for the Prof. Andre Gonclair course, SUNY-Buffalo, February.
- ‘Neolithization of the Human body’, guest lecture at the Institute for European Mediterranean Archaeology, SUNY-Buffalo, February.
- ‘History of Archaeology in Macedonia and ex-Yugoslavian countries’, presentation for the Prof. Sarunas Milisauskas course, SUNY-Buffalo, March.
- ‘Visual identities among the Prehistoric cultures in North America and Macedonia’, presentation for Prof. Douglas Perrelli course, SUNY-Buffalo, March.
- ‘Archaeology vs. Anthropology: engagement within disciplines dispute in the Republic of Macedonia’, presentation for the conference ‘Anthropologists Engage the World’, New York, April.
- ‘Embodying the households: anthropocentric hybridism among Neolithic communities in the Balkans’, presentation for the Theoretical Archaeology Group conference, SUNY-Buffalo, May.
- ‘Neolithic Privileges: the selection criteria within burials and corporeality in the Republic of Macedonia’, paper presented on 18th EAA conference, Helsinki, Finland, August.
- ‘Taming the Houses: An Embodiment of Neolithic Houses in the Republic of Macedonia’, paper presented on 18th EAA conference, Helsinki, Finland, August.
- ‘Symbolic and social aspects of Neolithic burials in Macedonia’, paper presented on XXII Simposia of MASS, October, Dojran.
- “The Models of Neolithization in Republic of Macedonia”, paper presented on international conference „Neolithization of Struma/Strymon River Valley and adjacent regions”, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria, June.
- “Humanized Objects or Objectified Humans: the Neolithic anthropomorphism in Southeast Europe”, paper presented on 17 EAA conference, Oslo, Norway, September.
- “Regional Perspectives of Neolithic Corporeality in the Republic of Macedonia“, paper presented on XVIII international Neolithic seminar, Ljubljana, November.
- “Neolithization and Beyond the Embodiment of Culture”, lecture at The Department of Archaeology, University of Padova, December.
-„Primena koncepta igre kod antropomorfnih figurina“, paper presented on international conference „Tradicionalna estetska kultura V: Igra“, Nis, February.
-‘’The fragmented Neolithic figurines from Zelenikovo and Govrlevo”, paper presented on XXI Simposia of MASS, Strumica, October.
- “The anthropomorphic house models from Govrlevo and Zelenikovo”, paper presented on XXI Simposia of MASS, Strumica, October.
-“Corporeality in Neolithic Balkans” – invited lecture at Institute for Archaeology, University of Belgrade, Serbia, April.
-“Neolithic Anthropomorphism: Body Treatment in the Balkans from 7 – 5th Millenia” – invited lecture at Museum of African Arts in Belgrade, Serbia, April.
-“Do(mystify)cation of the Dead: Neolithic burials inside dwellings and vessels within Republic of Macedonia”, paper presented on “Beyond the Veil” International Student Conference on Spirituality in Prehistory, Alba Iulia, Romania, April.
- „Ornamentite i vizuelnite identiteti na neolitskite zaednici od Makedonija“, lecture at Museum of Macedonia, May.
-„Symmetry analysis of Neolithic painted pottery from Republic of Macedonia“, paper presented on UISPP conference on „Data Management and Mathematical Methods in Archaeology “, Budapest, June.
-„Neolitska ikonografija: pretstavite na teloto i negovite simbolicki“ paper presented on XLII international seminar on Macedonian language, literature and culture, Ohrid, August.
-„Embodying the Households: Anthropocentric hybridism within Neolithic communities from the Balkans“ paper presented on 15th EAA conference, Riva del Garda, September.
-„Personifying Houses: Neolithic intramural burials and their visual manifestation on anthropomorphic house models“ paper presented on 15th EAA conference, Riva del Garda, September.
-„Together We Stand-Devided We Fall: Fragmentation of Neolithic Figurines from Zelenikovo” paper presented on XVI international Neolithic seminar, Ljubljana, November.
-“Visual Dynamism of Neolithic 'Altars' from the Balkans paper presented on international conference on „Interdisziplinäre Forschungen der Kulturerbe auf dem Balkan“ organised by German Humboldt Foundation, Sofia, December.
-“Together We Stand-Divided We Fall: Fragmentation of Neolithic Figurines from Zelenikovo”, paper presented on the 6th WAC, Dublin, Ireland, July.
-“Architectural Hybrids: Anthropomorphic Models from Republic of Macedonia”, paper presented on the 6th WAC, Dublin, Ireland, July.
-“Man Made of Clay: Prehistoric background to an religious concept” paper presented on the CTS (Center for Theoretical Studies) conference titled as “Retelling the Bible”, Prague, September
-“Together We Stand-Divided We Fall: Fragmentation of Neolithic Figurines in Republic of Macedonia”, paper presented on the 14th Annual Meeting of EAA, Malta, September.
-“Earthling the Mothers: Towards an Interpretation of Neolithic Corporeality” paper presented on the 14th Annual Meeting of EAA, Malta, September.
-"Sealed Patterns: The Visual Dynamism of the Neolithic Stamps from Republic of Macedonia" paper presented on the 14th Annual Meeting of EAA, Malta, September
-Patterns and the aquatic semiotics on the Neolithic vessels from Macedonia” presented on the international conference “Water and Life”, Strumica, Republic of Macedonia, November
-“Neolithic Stamps for the Decoration of Bread and Their Reminiscence in the Contemporary Rituals from the Balkans”, presented on scinetific symposia titled as “Traditional Aestethic Culture IV: Bread”, Niš, Serbia, November.
- „Kompoziciskite strukturi i socioloskite aspekti na neolitskite belo slikani sadovi“-paper presented on XX Simposia of MASS, Kicevo, December.
- „Muzejskata arhitektura i nejziniot enterier“ – lecture for the architecture students at University of Skopje, December.
-“Small breasts - big buttocks: Gender determination of the Neolithic figurines from Macedonia and the Balkans”, paper presented on the 13th annual conference of the European Association of Archaeologists at University of Zadar, Croatia, September.
-“Painted White: Stylistic diffusion of the white painted decoration and development of Early Neolithic local identities on the territory of The Republic of Macedonia”, paper presented on the 13th annual conference of the European Association of Archaeologists University of Zadar, Croatia, September.
-“Imprints of the Neolithic Mind: Decoration and function of the stamp seals from The Republic of Macedonia”, paper presented on 14th Neolithic Seminar in Ljubljana, Slovenia, November.
-“The Domestication of Human Body: The treatment of the human body in the Neolithic of South – East Europe and contemporary ritual implications of the Neolithic corporeality”, paper presented on 3rd Szmposia of the Department for the Research of Populations, Nish, Serbia, November.
-The Neuwaldegg Summer Seminar 2007, The Neuwaldegg Institute, Vienna, Austria.
-“Neolithic Religion, Reformation and Zooroastrism”, discusion at Night Programme on the Macedonian National Radio, November.
-“Feminine rites from the Prehistory till Modern Times”, discussion at Night Programme on the Macedonian National Radio, January.
-“Death and burials as relationship between archaeology and ethnology” – paper presented at the International student conference “Archaeology and multidisciplination”, Dubovac, Croatia, June.
-“The Geometry, Symetry, Composition and Symbolic Significance of the Ornaments from the Neolithic Macedonia” – discussion at Night Programme on the Macedonian National Radio, July.
-“The vessel as a human: Neolithic antropomorphic vessels and their relationship with archaeological and ethnological records” – paper presentated on the international conference for prehistoric ceramic “Breaking the Mould”, University of Manchester, England, October.
-“Neolithic stamp seals from Macedonia” – paper presented at the symposium of the Macedonian association of archeologists, Delchevo, Republic of Macedonia, October.
-“Homing the Death: Burials inside the houses and vessels in the Neolithic Balkans, paper presented at the international conference “Cult in Context, University of Cambridge, England, December.
-“Neolithic Ornaments” –lecture at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, May, by the invitation of Dr. Andrej Pleterski.
-“Neolithic Ornaments and Their Cognitive Structures” – lecture at the Institute for archaeology and ethnology, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, May, by the invitation of Dr. Miha Budja.
Fidanoski, Lj. and Naumov, G. Neolitot vo Makedonija: čekor napred vo proučuvanjeto na prvite zemjodelski opštestvа. Skopje: Center for Prehistoric Research.
Fidanoski, Lj. and Naumov, G. Neolitot vo Makedonija: novi soznanija i perspektivi. Skopje: Center for Prehistoric Research.
Naumov, G. 2015. Neolitski figurini vo Makedonija. Skopje: Magor.
Naumov, G. and Chausidis, N. 2011. Neolitski antropomorfni predmeti od Republika Makedonija. Skopje: Magor.
Naumov, G. 2009. Patterns and Corporeality: Neolithic Visual Culture from the Republic of Macedonia. British Archaeological Reports, Oxford.
Naumov, G., Fidanovski, Lj., Tolevski I. and Ivkovska, A. 2009. Neolithic Communities from Republic of Macedonia. Skopje: Dante.
Contributions in edited volumes and journals:
In print:
- edited volumes:
Naumov, G. in print. White Painted Identities: Stylistic diffusion of the white painted decoration and development of Early Neolithic local identities from the Republic of Macedonia, in Boric, D. and Miracle, P. (eds.) Identities of the Early Neolithic Balkans. Oxford: Oxbow Books.
Naumov, G. in print. West Mound Figurines. In P.F. Biehl – J. Anvari – E. Rosenstock (eds), A Chalcolithic Village in Anatolia: The West Mound at Çatalhöyük. Los Angeles: UCLA Cotsen Institute of Archaeology.
Naumov, G. in print. Pelagonian Tells and Pile Dwellings in Lake Ohrid. In Urem Kotsou, D., Tasic, N and Buric, M. (eds) Making Spaces to Places. North Aegean, Balkans and Western Anatolia in the Neolithic. Oxford: Archaeopress.
Naumov, G. in print. Is an Artifact a Fact for the Art in Prehistory? In Maltseva, S. (ed.) Actual problems of theory and history of art. Russian Academy of Arts and St. Petersburg University: Moscow.
Naumov, G and Biehl, F. P. in print.. Neolithic and Chalcolithic Human Representations at Çatalhöyük. In Becker, J. A. (ed.) The Proceedings of 10th ICAANE. Institute for Oriental and European Archaeology. Vienna: Harrassowitz Verlag.
Naumov, G. in print. Neolithic wetland and lakeside settlements in the Balkans. Dolbunova, E.; Mazurkievich, A. and Hafner, A. (eds.) Settling watery landscapes in Europe: archaeology of pile-settlements of Neolithic-Bronze Age. Leeds: Maney Publishing
- journals:
Naumov, G. in print. Formiranjeto na prvite neolitski zaednici vo Makedonija. Macedoniae Acta archaeologica 21. Skopje.
Naumov et al. 2017 in print. Archaeological research on the site Vrbjanska Čuka near Slavej (Republic of Macedonia) - 2016. Archaeologica Adriatica 11. Zadar.
- edited volumes:
Anvari, J.; Brady, J.; Franz, I.; Naumov, G.; Orton, D.; Ostaptchouk, S.; Stroud, E.; Willet, P. T.; Rosenstock, E. and Biehl, P. F. 2017. Continous change: Venturing Into the Early Cahlcolithic at Çatalhöyük, in:S.R. Steadman –G. McMahon (eds) The Archaeology of Anatolia: Recent Discoveries - Volume II: 6-39. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
Naumov, G. 2017. Miniature and Hybrid Women in the Neolithic Balkans. In Visentini, P. (ed.) Women, Deities and Mothers: universal languages and metaphors in the prehistoric art: 113-130. Udine: Museums of Udine.
Naumov, G. 2017. The Corporeality of Vessels: Neolithic Anthropomorphic Pottery in the Republic of Macedonia. In Schwarzberg, H. and Becker, V. (eds) Bodies of Clay: On Prehistoric Humanized Pottery: 44-62. Oxford: Oxbow Books.
Naumov, G. 2017. From Caves to Fortresses: prehistoric architecture betweenhunting, agriculture and metalurgy. In Fidanoski, Lj. (ed.), Skopje Before 8th Millennia: the earliest buildres from Cerje - Govrlevo: 95-133. Skopje. Museom of the City of Skopje.
Наумов, Г., Јон, Ј. и Хвојка, О. 2017. Геомагнетно скенирање на тумби во Центрлна Пелагонија. Во Фиданоски, Љ. и Наумов, Г. (ур.) Неолитот во Македонија II: чекор напред во проучувањето на првите земјоделски општества: 161-180. Скопје: ЦИП.
- journals:
Наумов и др. 2017. Рекогносцирање на локалитети во Горна Пелагонија. Патримониум 15. Скопје.
- edited volumes:
Naumov, G. 2016. Among Wetlands and Lakes: the network of Neolithic communities in Pelagonia and Lake Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia. In Bacvarov, K. and Gleser, P. (eds.) Southeast Europe and Anatolia in prehistory: essays in honor of Vassil Nikolov on his 65th anniversary: 175-187. Bonn: Rudolf Habelt Publishing House.
Naumov, G. 2016. Kalibrirana hronologija na neolitskite tumbi vo Pelagonija. In Fidanoski, Lj. and Naumov, G. (eds.) Neolit vo Makedonija: novi soznanija i perspektivi: 67-96 Skopje: Centar za istražuvanje na predistorijata.
- journals:
Naumov, G. 2016. Wetlands and Lakeside Settlements in Lake Ohrid (Republic of Macedonia). Plattform 22/23: 10-20. Uhlindgen.
Naumov, G. 2016. Tell Communities and Wetlands in the Neolithic Pelagonia, Republic of Macedonia. Documenta Praehistorica 43. Ljubljana.
Naumov, G.; Mitkoski, A.; Beneš, J.; Murgoski, A.; Milevski, Đ. and Stoimanovski, I. 2016. Istražuvanje na Vrbjanska Čuka kaj Slavej - 2016. Patrimonium 14: 345-374. Skopje.
Naumov, G. 2016. Survey on the prehistoric tell-sites in Pelagonia. PAST 82: 15-16. London.
- edited volumes:
Naumov, G. 2015. The Neolithic Bodies: Intramural Burials and Anthropomorphic Representations in the Republic of Macedonia. In Dimitrova, E. and Petrov, O. (eds.) Folia Archaeologica 3: 31-54. Skopje: Faculty of Philosophy.
- journals:
Naumov, G. 2015. Early Neolithic Communities in the Republic of Macedonia. Archeologicke Rozhledy 47: 331-355. Prague
Naumov, G. and Stojkoski, S. 2015. Novi predistoriski tumbi vo Pelagonija. Zbornik na NU Zavod i muzej – Bitola 16: 169-185. Bitola.
Naumov, G. and Tomaz, A. 2015. The Excavation of Neolithic Tell in Mogila, Pelagonia. Patrimonium 13: 67-95.
- edited volumes:
Naumov, G. 2014. Together We Stand-Divided We Fall: Fragmentation of Neolithic Figurines in Govrlevo and Zelenikovo, Republic of Macedonia. In Ursu, C. and Terna, S. (eds.) Anthropomorphism and symbolic behaviour in the Neolithic and Copper Age communities of South-Eastern Europe: 161-186. Suceava: Muzeul Bucovinei.
- journals:
Naumov, G. 2014. Neolithic Priorities: Ritual and Visual Preferences within Burials and Corporeality in the Balkans. European Journal of Archaeology 17 (2): 184-207.
Naumov, G. 2014. Figuring Out the Figurines: Towards the Interpretation of Neolithic Corporeality. Journal of Flinders Society 2/1: 44 - 60. Adelaide.
Naumov, G. et al. 2014. Archeological and Geophysical Survey of Neolithic Tells in Pelagonia. Sprawozdania Archeologiczne 66: 221 – 239. Warsaw.
Naumov, G. et al. 2014. Arheološko, topografsko i geofizičko istražuvanje na neolitski tumbi vo Pelagonija. Patrimonium 12: 345 – 372. Skopje.
Naumov, G. and Bugaj, U. 2014. Archaeological Survey in Pelagonia – 2013. PAST 76: 11-13. London.
- edited volumes:
Naumov, G. 2013. Embodied houses: social and symbolic agency of Neolithic architecture in the Republic of Macedonia. In Hoffman, D. and Smyth, J (eds.) Tracking the Neolithic house in Europe - sedentism, architecture and practice: 65 - 94. New York: Springer.
- journals:
Naumov, G. 2013. The Objectified Corporeality: Prehistoric implications of visual anthropomorphism and hybridism within Christian iconography. Anthropos 107. Fribourg.
Naumov, G. 2013. Otelotvoruvanje na sadovite: Predistoriskite implikacii na antropomorfizmot i hibridnosta vo hristijanskata ikonografija. Patrimonium 12: 9-30. Skopje.
- edited volumes:
Naumov, G. 2011. Visual and conceptual dynamism of the Neolithic altars in the Republic of Macedonia. In V. Nikolov, K. Bacvarov & H. Popov (eds.) Interdisziplinäre Forschungen zum Kulturerbe auf der Balkanhalbinsel: 89-129. Sofia: Nice.
- journals:
Naumov, G. 2011. Vizuelniot i simboličkiot karakter na neolitskite žrtvenici od Makedonija. Patrimonium. 9-10: 39 – 65. Skopje.
Naumov, G. 2011. Čitajki ja arheologijata: prilog kon nekolku knigi prevedeni na makedonski jazik. Patrimonium. 9-10: 139 – 150. Skopje.
Naumov, G. 2011. Otelotvoreni kući: socijalnite i simboličkite aspekti na neolitskata arhitektura vo Makedonija. Macedonia Acta Archaeologica 20: 11-34. Skopje.
Naumov, G. 2011. Minatoto e pred vas: recenzija na knigata “Osnovi na Arheologijata” na Klajv Gembl. Macedonia Acta Archaeologica 20: 539-547. Skopje.
- edited volumes:
Naumov, G. 2010. Symmetry analysis of Neolithic painted pottery from Republic of Macedonia. In Biro – Katalin, T. (ed.) Data Management and Mathematical Methods in Archaeology. Archaeologia e Calcolatori 21: 255 – 274. Roma: Dipartimento Patrimonio Culturale.
Naumov, G. 2010. Neolitska ikonografija: principite i simboličkite manifestacii na telesnosta od VII do V milenium p.n.e. In Crvenkovska, E. (ed.) Predavanja na XLII megjunaroden seminar ya makedonski jazik, literatura i kultura – 2009: 183 - 194. Skopje: Filološki fakultet Skopje.
Naumov, G. 2010. Neolitski pečati za dekoriranje hleba. In Žunić, D. (ed.) Tradicioalna estetska kultura: Hleb: 69 - 187. Niš: Centar za naućna istraživanja SANU i Univerzitet u Nišu.
- journals:
Naumov, G. 2010. Neolithic Anthropocentrism: imagery principles and symbolic manifestation of corporeality in the Balkans. Documenta Praehistorica XXXVII: 227 - 238. Ljubljana.
Naumov, G. 2010. Prizejmuvanje na ‘Majkite’: Prilog kon interpretiranjeto na neolitskite antropomorfni figurini. Patrimonium 7-8: 23 - 31. Skopje.
Naumov, G. 2010. Stilskite i sociološkite aspekti na belo slikanite ornamenti i razvivanjeto na ranoneolitskite lokalni identiteti vo Makedonija. Makedonsko nasledstvo 36-37: 73-96. Skopje.
Naumov, G. 2010. Neolitski pečati od Makedonija. Macedoniae Acta Archaeologica
19: 85 - 105. Skopje.
- edited volumes:
Naumov, G. 2009. Neolitski antropomorfizam: Tretmanot na teloto vo neolitot na Jugoistoćna Evropa i sovremenite obredni implikacii na neotskiot koncept na telesnosta. In Žunić D. (ed.) Tradicionalna Estetska Kultura III: Telo i odevanje: 41 – 77, Nish: SANU.
Naumov, G. 2009. History of Research of the Neolithic in Macedonia. In Naumov, G., Fidanovski, Lj., Tolevski I. and Ivkovska, A. Neolithic Communities from Republic of Macedonia: 1 – 6. Skopje: Dante.
Naumov, G. 2009. The Process of Neolithization. In Naumov, G., Fidanovski, Lj., Tolevski I. and Ivkovska, A. Neolithic Communities from Republic of Macedonia: 17 – 27. Skopje: Dante.
Naumov, G. 2009. Neolithic Visual Culture and Rituals. In Naumov, G., Fidanovski, Lj., Tolevski I. and Ivkovska, A. Neolithic Communities from Republic of Macedonia: 87 - 135. Skopje: Dante.
- journals:
Naumov, G. 2009. Sadot kako čovecko telo: Neolitskite antropomorfni sadovi i nivnite reminiscencii vo podocnežnite periodi. Patrimonium 3-4/5-6: 65 – 82. Skopje.
- edited volumes:
Naumov, G. 2008. Neolithic Stamps from the Southern Balkans. In Gheorghiu D. and Skeates R. (eds), Prehistoric Stamps: theory and experiments: 43 – 84. Bucharest: Editura Universatii Din Bucuresti.
Naumov, G. 2008. The Vessel as a Human Body: Neolithic anthropomorphic vessels and their reflection in later periods. In Berg, I. (ed.) Breaking the Mould: challenging the past through pottery. British Archeological Reports, Oxford.
- journals:
Naumov, G. 2008. Imprints of the Neolithic Mind: Decoration and function of the stamp seals from The Republic of Macedonia. Documenta Praehistorica 35: 185 – 204. Ljubljana.
Mitkovski, A. and Naumov, G. 2008. A Neolithic Structure of possible ritual significance from The Republic of Macedonia. PAST 58: 8-9, London.
Chausidis, N., Rahno, K. and Naumov, G. 2008. Peć kao žena i majka u slovenskoj tradicionalnoj kulturi: semiotika, mitologija, obredi, lingvistika, dijahrone komparacije. Kodovi slovenskih kultura 9: 13 - 114 Beograd.
- edited volumes:
Naumov, G. 2008. Housing the Dead: Burials inside houses and vessels from Neolithic Balkans. In Malone C. and Barrowclough D. (eds.), Cult in Context: 255 – 265. Oxbow: Oxford.
- journals:
Naumov, G. 2008. The Decoration on the Neolithic Painted Vessels from the Republic of Macedonia. PAST 56: 15-16. London.
- edited volumes:
Zorova, O. and Naumov, G. 2006. Index. In Chausidis, N. Kosmološki sliki, Second Volume, Chausidis: Skopje.
- journals:
Naumov, G. 2006. Sadot, pećkata i kukjata vo simbolićka relacija so matkata i ženata (neolitski predloški i etnografski implikacii). Studia Mythologica Slavica 9: 59 – 95. Ljubljana.
- journals:
Naumov, G. 2005. Neolitski slikani ornamenti, Kulturen Život 3: 66 – 77. Skopje.
Naumov, G. 2005. Neolitski pintaderi: pecati ili amuleti? Pintadera I. http://www.axios.org.mk.
Naumov, G. 2005. Čitajki go minatoto, review on the Ian Hodder’s book “Reading the Past. Pintadera I. http://www.axios.org.mk.
Naumov, G. 2004. Neolitskite kulturi od Republika Makedonija. Electronic internet magazine of the ASA “Aksios”, Skopje.
Articles for popular magazines and documentaries scripts:
- Script and presentation for the Skopje Neolithic within documentary ‘The City’.
-“500 causes for several translations”, Forum 243, Skopje
- “Neolithic ornaments are mental map”, interview, Utrinski vesnik 2560, Skopje.
-“Who and what is hidden behind golden masks”, Art Republica 7, Skopje.
-“Maenad or Birth - giving woman”, Art Republica 6, Skopje.
- “Utilitarian Neolithic vessels”, Art Republica 3, Skopje.
- “Ritual artifacts from the Neolithic houses in “Tumba – Madjari”, Art Republica 2, Skopje.
-Neolithic ’goddesses’, Art Republica 1, Skopje.