Darko Stojanovski
Grnčarica: a contribution to the Early Neolithic puzzle of the Balkans
Skopje: CPR - Center for prehistoric research, 2017.

Grnčarica: a contribution to the Early Neolithic puzzle of the Balkans by Darko Stojanovski is a monograph focused on one of the last researched Neolithic sites in Macedonia, located near the village of Krupište in the region of Štip. The author makes a comprehensive review of results of the research of this settlement in 2007 and 2008, with spotlight on architecture, material culture and the burial typical of the communities that established it. Moreover, he especially emphasizes the radiocarbon dating of this site and tries to determine the period of its active life and to relate it to the other Early and Middle Neolithic settlements in the Balkans. Therefore, the author gives a detailed depiction of ceramic vessels, which are his case study and through their typology, technology and function he tries to solve the puzzle of Neolithization of the Balkans. This monograph is an excellent presentation of a site unusual for Macedonian archaeology that provides a new perspective regarding Neolithic development and life of one of the first farmers in the region of Štip.