Prehistory in the Balkans: interregional research and educational practices

"Luristan standards – iconography, semiotics and purpose"

"Neolithic in Macedonia: Recent research and analyses"

“The Neolithic in Macedonia: Homage to Dragica Simova” Journal

“The Neolithic in Macedonia: Homage to Voislav Sanev” Journal

Neolithic in Macedonia: challenges for new discoveries

Neolithic in Macedonia: a step forward in study of the first agricultural societies

The edited book entitled ‘Neolithic in Macedonia: a step forward in study of the first agricultural societies’ is the second volume resulting...

Grnčarica: a contribution to the Early Neolithic puzzle of the Balkans

'Grnčarica: a contribution to the Early Neolithic puzzle of the Balkans' by Darko Stojanovski is a monograph focused on...

Macedonian bronzes and the religion and mythology of Iron Age communities in the Central Balkans

'Macedonian bronzes’ refers to a pretty copious category of Iron Age bronze objects, dated mainly between 8th and 6th centuries BC. The majority of them are considered being used as jewelry with an emphasized symbolical i.e. magical and religious purpose. It is believed that they primarily belonged to the Paeonians, but also to other populations living in Macedonia and its surroundings.

Edited volume „Neolithic in Macedonia: new knowledge and perspectives“

Зборникот „Неолитот во Македонија: нови сознанија и перспективи“ е резултат од истоимената археолошка конференција во којашто беа презентирани најновите истражувања поврзани со неолитските локалитети во Македонија.

Book with abstracts ‘Prehistoric Wetlands and Lakes: bringing forward dendrochronology in archaeology’